We are about to enter a period, of the fastest pace of technological change in all human history. Something we refer to as, the exponential age.


AI (Artificial Intelligence) is already all around us, but we don’t perceive it yet. It’s in our phones, in the clouds, it decides which content we see online, which song we are about to listen, which result from google we get. It can beat the greatest players in some games, in can help us understand how biology works, it can talk to us with impressive intelligence, it can write and code, it can even draw us beautiful images, and do scary photorealistic images.

Image generated by Midjourney AI, with a simple prompt.

Image generated by Midjourney AI, with a simple prompt.

But all those Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI) are just the beginning, something much greater is brewing, that will dramatically impact our lives.

We will go from computers that execute, to computers that actually think, and do.

Right now computers are an extension of humans, but they will for some, become completely separate entities. Almost like living beings.

Real world AI will soon be solved and Robots will interacts with us in the physical world. It is actually already the case, more than 100k Tesla cars drive autonomously in US via an AI.

All this seems to be so far away and yet, it is real, it is already here, and it is improving fast. Way faster than most are able to imagine.

By 2030

The next few months and years will see incredible progress, people will be stunned, deny it, be frightened by it, debate it, combat it, and finally accept it.

Most of the things seen here could be considered as paradigm shifts.

I believe by 2030 we will see :